AFE Survivor Kristy

First time pregnancy - I had just turned 40 years old on 8/24/2012, about a month before due date. Had a great pregnancy, no issues with the baby or myself considering my "advanced maternal age" (haha). On my due date, my doc said I wasn't very dilated but...

AFE Survivor Amy

Our journey began on a weekend in late March, 2008, when I traveled home to Austin, Texas from Atlanta, Georgia for my baby shower. The morning of the shower I began feeling contractions and headed to the local hospital to get checked out. Later that day, I was...

AFE Survivor Trina

On Sept 9, at 11:52 pm my water broke while I was in my bed. I knew I better get to the hospital. They admitted me and began a pitocin drip to induce my labor since I was not have any contractions and was only dilated 2 cm. After 12 hours of labor, I realized I...

AFE Survivor Christy

This is my AFE story that I would like to share with you. On November 29th 2004 my husband Nick and I packed our bags to head to the hospital to be induced the following morning. When we arrived there were no beds available. They told us to go eat and come back. So...

In Memory of Becky

November, 4th 2003 was a day filled with excitement and anticipation for our family. My only sister Becky was scheduled to deliver her 2nd child by C-Section early that morning and we were all so excited for little Riley to arrive. My sister and her family lived in...

AFE Survivor Allison

My name is Allison and I live in the U.K. My AFEi happened during the birth of our daughter in 2010. I was already in hospital at 37 weeks needing to be monitored carefully due to of pulmonary emboli that occurred while coming down with pneumonia while I was...

AFE Survivor Hope

March 20, is the first day of spring. A time when we are reminded of rebirth and new beginnings. This day, six years ago, was certainly a new beginning for our family, in a way we didn't expect. Jonathan's labor was a normal one. But something unexpected happened...

AFE Survivor Angela

There’s little other way to present our story than with a timeline of sorts – and any one of the events in the timeline are completely overwhelming. First, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy in May 2012, who my  husband and I, named Tyler. I never imagined that I'd...

AFE Survivor Ashley

Being a part of a small online support community of those affected by AFE creates a bond that defies distance and sometimes even language. Members often share very personal feelings that may not be understood by those who’ve not walked in their shoes. There is no...

AFE Survivor Vicky

On November 15th I headed to the hospital for the 20 week ultrasound scan. So excited to share this special moment, I took the entire family including my mum. The boys huddled around the TV screen as I lay on the bed. I could hear my husband Jamie saying 'there is...

Help us #endAFE!

The AFE Foundation is funded by donations. Every dollar goes toward our support, research, and education programs. We are committed to turning donations into action, including yours.